Thursday, June 13, 2013

An open letter

It's been a couple of weeks since I last heard from you. It feels good that I can now ignore you, and talking to you rarely crosses my mind. Now that I've had the chance to distance myself from you, I also had the clarity of mind to make a few important realizations on how you are as a friend. Half the world has been telling these things to me but I kept on ignoring them and kept on dismissing them as mere naysayers. Why? Maybe because you were the perfect replacement for a bestfriend that suddenly left for another country. Yep, you were my sort of rebound bestfriend. You were in the right place at the right time, or maybe I should say I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Don't get me wrong, you are a kind person; one with good intentions. Unfortunately, your methods and views in life are.... how do I put this nicely.... fucked up.

My other friends kept on warning me about your tendency to "utilize" other people but I somehow kept on dismissing them. I was always having these thoughts that yeah maybe they are right, but I kept on thinking that maybe I'm just misinterpreting your actions. My mind operated like this for more than a year. What did it take to burst the bubble of my disillusionment? It was a simple conversation with one of your friends. One who is supposed to be one of your closest friends here in the country. So what was it that opened my eyes to your true colors that I've been blinding myself to? You see I'm aware that your friend was once stuck in a period of unemployment after he quit his job and was still searching for one. In other words he was broke as can be and needed a place to stay. Perfect timing that you needed someone to watch your business for a week while you go back to your homeland. I'm aware that you asked him to run your business for you. What I wasn't aware of is how you didn't pay him a single centavo for the favor he extended to you. This made me realize how much of a user you are. This opened my eyes to all the other flaws of your twisted personality.

It's amazing how you're so quick and keen to remind others of what they supposedly owe you but you always seem to have a reason to weasel your way out of what you owe others. Win a bet and your faster than light to claim your free meal or whatever it may be, but when you lose, you suddenly mention rules that were never agreed upon or you suddenly start saying how the bet wasn't fair. Not just on bets but you also always have the perfect reason for everything. You ditched me so that you can have dinner with your other friends who you didn't have plans with? Yeap, just say that you left me alone because you thought I'd be out of place because your friends are lazy to speak in English. You were only concerned about me feeling left out so you chose to ditch me. Seems totally reasonable. And how about your suggestion of blowing off my money for me to "experience and enjoy life" and when I said that I'm prioritizing paying my bills rather than leisure, you told me that my parents and family are there for me. That's a totally mature take on life. "Blow off my money because my family will save my broke ass." Ever think of how people might get tired supporting you when you never seem to bother to be responsible? Let me also ask the question how come you only message me when you need something. Don't even bother denying this as I've reread all of your messages and I have confirmed this. Anyway, I'll stop enumerating now.

So what does this mean? Will I stop talking to you and start bashing you at every chance I get? Nope, my mom taught me better than that, but expect that I won't be the same "friend" that will be always there trying to help you in all of your ventures. Maybe it's time you start pulling your own weight. Peace.

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